
Jekma Pendi
Helps to avoid competition between plants and weeds or nutrients because weeds are not able to come out. Control weeds initially so insects and disease population automatically reduce and which result in better yield. It is safe for environment and soil microclimate Target Crops: Wheat, Rice, Cotton, Soyabean, Chillies, Onion Ect.ar is a speciality systemic fungicide. It gets absorbed rapidly by the plants & translocates towards leaf tips. With protective and curative action, it provides best control of all type of Paddy Blast diseases.

Dryer Quat
It is classified as abroad spectrum, non selective & contact herbicide. It is a desiccant, defoliant and contact herbicide, without residual soil activity. Destroys cell membranes and inhibits photosynthesis. Only contacted leaves are killed, so regrowth can occur from undamaged parts of perennials. It is used to control weeds like Imperata, Setaria sp., Commelina benghalensis, Boerrharia hispida, Paspalum. conjugatum of tea, potato, coffee and cotton crops.

OVER 50 is a pre-emergence herbicide (Containing Pretilachlor) for control of grasses, sedges and some broad leaf weeds in transplanted Rice. Pret-50 provides excellent selectively on all known varieties of Rice.
Recommended Crops – Paddy.
Target Weeds-Cyprus, Ethinochloa, Monochorea.

NEMAR is a selective post-emergence broad spectrum herbicide with excellent action onphalaris minor. Best result are obtained by applying it when the majority of the grass weeds have emerged and are actively growing. It is taken up through leaves of grass weeds. Target Crops Wheat Target Weeds-Phalaris Minor (Canary Grass)