
Star is a speciality systemic fungicide. It gets absorbed rapidly by the plants & translocates towards leaf tips. With protective and curative action, it provides best control of all type of Paddy Blast diseases.

Power Full
Power Fullis a broad spectrum fungicide highly useful for management of Powdery mildew, Anthracnose, late blight, early blight, downy mildew & grey mildew diseases on fruits & vegetables and various other crops. It is a unique combination of contact & systemic mode of action. Target Pest-Mildew, Late Blight, Anthraconse. Target Crops-Fruits, Vegetables and various other crops.

Jekmycin Full
is an antibiotic fungicide which controls Sheath blight disease of Rice very effectively. It acts on hyphae and destroys the fungus by its contact action and controls the spread of diseases. is also most effective against soil bone diseases and used for the control of Rhizoctonia solani in rice. Recommended Crops-Rice, Tea Etc. Target Pest-Sheath Blight, Black Rot

Jekma Pride
Jekma Pride: exhibits a systemic translaminar action. It has a novel mechanism of action on the insect nervous systems by acting as an agonist to nAch. It also exhibits triple action: ovicidal, adulticidal and larvicidal. Target Crops-cotton, vegetable, fruits, soyabean, & cereals. Target Crop Aphids, Jassids and whiteflies in cotton crop, Thrip in chilli, BPH in Paddy.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.