
Jekma Care
Tractor is a systemic insecticide containing imidacloprid active ingredient, balance auxillaries and inert material. It is a low toxicity, systematically acting insecticide with a broad spectrum of activity for controlling sucking insects usch as Aphids, Jassid, Whitefly, Thrips in cotton, okra, sunflower, Soyabean and Shoot fly in Maize.

Jekson Super
Jekson Super is a non-systemic insecticide having contact and stomach action. It is effective against several insect pests (both chewing and sucking types). It is combination product of organophosphorus and pyrethroid compound.

Zara is a combination product. Broad spectrum insecticide with contact and stomach action with quick knockdown effect. Target Crops Cotton, Rice, Peanut, Nut Crops, Potatoes, Beet, Tobacco, Soybeans, Sunflowers, Maize, Sorghum etc. Target Pest Coleoptera, Diptera, Homoptera and

Target 17
Systemic insecticide with contact action. Due to strong systemic activity and low rate of application it can be used for foliar spray and soil treatment. Ideal for insect resistance management. Active at low rules with considerable residual activity.

Target Power
Target Power is used as soil treatment and as foliar treatment in different crops such as Rice, Cotton, Cereals (IMIDACLOPRID 70% WG is a systemic Insecticide which contains 70%w/w IMIDACLORPID as active ingradient used as foilar spray for the control of sucking insects, including Leaf/Plant hoppers, aphids.

Target +
Target+ is a new generation systemic insecticide which contains 30.5% Imidacloprid as suspension concentrate. It is used to control termite in buildings during pre and post construction treatment.

Jekma Pride
exhibits a systemic translaminar action. It has a novel mechanism of action on the insect nervous systems by acting as an agonist to nach. It also exhibits triple action: ovicidal, adulticidal and larvicidal.

Chlorpyrifos 10% GR is a broad spectrum organophosphorus insecticide with non-systemic contact, inhalation and stomach action. It is used to control of various pests in Rice crop. It is used to control for Rice insects., It is a non-systemic insecticide with contact, stomach and respiratory action. It works as a cholinesterase inhibitor., For application in Rice 2-3 cm standing water should be available in the field. Keep water impounded for 2-3 days after application. It is incompatible with alkaline materials., It is used to control coleopteran, Diptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera in soil or on foliage.

Non- systemic insecticide with contact stomach and respiratory action. It is useful against Stem borer, Green Leaf Hopper, Brown Plant Hopper, Gall midge and Grass Hopper in Paddy crop. Target Crops – Paddy, Bengal Gram.

– Tebuconazole it a systemic triazole fungicide. Triazoles are the leading chemical class of fungicides worldwide. Teboron offers an effective and reliable solution against a wide spectrum of diseases in many crops by protective, curative and eradicative action.

Vikro is a broad spectrum insecticide which belong to the chemical class of pyrethroid. It kills the insects by contact and stomach action. It is recommended for the control of boll worm and white fly in Cotton.

Fiprois a broad spectrum systemic insecticide of Phenyl pyrazole class, having contact, It is used against major lepidopterous and orthopterous pests on a wide range of field and horticultural crops and against coleopterous larvae in soils.

Jekson Super
Jekson Super is a non-systemic insecticide having contact and stomach action. It is effective against several insect pests (both chewing and sucking types). It is combination product of organophosphorus and pyrethroid compound. Target Crops Paddy, vegetable, Soyabean, Cotton,

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.

PRABANDH-50 (PROM) Phosphate rich organic manure is a type of fertilizer used as an alternative to diammonium phosphate (DAP) and single super phosphate (SSP) which improve the soil texture by increasing the organic carbon phosphate content of soil and provide the organic phosphate, natural minerals such as copper, zinc, and cobalt till its generic age. Target Crop-All Crops.